Sunday, December 8, 2013

Women's weight loss and research

You see, research has recently uncovered something unique
to the genetic and hormonal make-up of a woman that makes
it’s a lot easier for them to put on weight, and a lot harder to
lose it.
That’s the BAD news… the GOOD news is that because of
this discovery we now know exactly how to counteract the
problem, allowing you to drop flab quickly and efficiently
by putting one single strategy to use starting today.
In fact, the shockingly simple tip that I share with you on
the next page will show you how you can lose as much as
THREE dress sizes in the first week by strategically turning
off your female fat-storing switch.

Sunday, November 24, 2013


I have to get this off of my chest and I do apologize about this beforehand… I have been getting a lot of feedback from friends, family and people about this ugly website…
My reply is this… I am not in the business of building these WOW factor, pretty websites to scam people out of their money. I only talk about what I have tried and worked, period.
LIKE THIS -( copy and paste below if not working - it is worth your while)
I am not here to waste my time, as I have none to waste with 4 kids to take care of. This blog might look ugly, but it gets to the point on the things that have worked for me and my family. If it means that I will lose a viewer because of the ugliness of the site itself, so be it! If it means that you are only attracted to the flashy scammy sites that suck you dry, then by all means go to them, but if you want an honest review of a diet plan, product, and do not mind the fact that there is nothing flashy about the site( just the plain truth), by all means READ ON!

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Women are built differently than men

Women are built differently than men... It is harder for us to lose weight, or at least it seems like it... It is ironic in a way that dieting has been the same over all these years. The only thing that has changed recently is the workouts, and their intensity. (copy and paste)

Since the beginning we have been programmed to diet in a certain way, and what has happened with short term weight loss? The dreaded yo-yo effect. We lost a little to gain back a lot.

Medical science is making huge strides in this field in both the exercise domain and the types of food to eat. No more is the starve yourself and run a marathon to lose weight. Now there are programs that let you eat some of the yummy foods and exercise moderately. (copy and paste)

No more is their the one diet fits all. Men and women are not built the same. Men should diet and exercise a certain way, and women should diet and exercise in a different way. It has only been until recently that this has come out to the public.

Armed with this new knowledge, men and women will be able to lose the weight without the dreaded diet and yo-yo effects of yesteryear.

Do you want see the exact reason women should NEVER diet like men. Special tips for controlling female metabolism for that tight tummy and waistline you deserve, and worked so hard to get your whole diet life. (copy and paste)

Do you want to have the energy to do the workouts, the energy to go out on the town and the confidence that everyone is saying WOW, look at her. It would be a big change from what you are used to right. You want the motivation, you want to see the results in a short period of time. Even if those results are not gigantic, just something to show you that " hey you are doing a great job, keep up the good work". Positive reinforcement is what you want, what you need( along with a killer waistline!), undeniable result are what await you if you only diet the right way. Not your mom's and her mom's way. The new, scientifically tested, way. The way that is designed for women, not some peanuts ans water starvation way either. I mean, seriously, who can fathom eating nuts all day long?( I know, I know... The answer to that question is " a squirrel can"!!)

Hope all this has helped out...
Stay strong and never give up